
在这里你会发现创世纪BK III诗人凯德蒙


(噢。(135-143)白昼过去了,匆匆掠过地上的住处。在闪耀的光芒之后,我们的创造者上帝,在第一个夜晚降临。黑暗紧紧地紧跟着白天;上帝称它为夜。我们的主使他们彼此分离;从那时起,他们就遵从上帝的旨意,在地上行事。(噢。(143-153)然后是第二天,黑暗之后是光明。生命之主在水中间设立了宜人的空气。 Our Lord sundered the seas and established the heavens. By His word the King, Almighty God, raised them above the earth. The waters were divided under the heavens by His holy might; the waters were sundered from the waters, under the firmament. (ll. 154-168) Then came hasting over the earth the third fair morning. Not yet were the wide ways and spacious tracts useful unto God, but the land lay covered by the deep. The Lord of angels, by His word, commanded that the waters come together, which now beneath the heavens hold their course and place ordained. Then suddenly, wide-stretching under heaven, lay the sea, as God gave bidding. The great deep was sundered from the land. The Warden of life, the Lord of hosts, beheld the dry ground far outspread. And the King of glory called it earth. For the ocean-billows and the wide-flung sea He set a lawful path and lettered them.... ((LACUNA -- two to three leaves missing))