
在这里你会发现长诗创世纪BK VII诗人凯德蒙


(噢。(322-336)其他与上帝进行激烈战争的恶魔被火焰包裹着。他们要受痛苦,在地狱中受滚烫的火焰,有烈火,有苦烟,又黑暗又幽暗,因为他们背弃了神。他们的愚蠢和天使的骄傲欺骗了他们。他们不听从上帝的话。他们受到了严厉的惩罚!他们因愚昧和骄傲,堕入地狱烈火的深渊。他们寻找另一个没有光明却充满火焰的家——一个烈焰熊熊的死亡之家。恶魔们意识到,由于他们的狂妄自大和无限的傲慢,由于上帝的力量,他们赢得了无尽的灾难。(噢。 337-355) Then spake their haughty king, who formerly was fairest of the angels, most radiant in heaven, beloved of his Leader and dear unto his Lord, until they turned to folly, and Almighty God was moved to anger at their wantonness, and hurled him down to depths of torment on that bed of death. He named him with a name, and said their leader should be called from thenceforth Satan. He bade him rule the black abyss of hell in place of striving against God. Satan spake -- who now must needs have charge of hell and dwell in the abyss -- in bitterness he spake who once had been God's angel, radiant-hued in heaven, until his pride and boundless arrogance betrayed him, so that he would not do the bidding of the Lord of hosts. Bitterness was welling in his heart; and round him blazed his cruel torment. These words he spake: (ll. 355-367) "This narrow place is little like those other realms we knew, on high in heaven, allotted by my Lord, though the Almighty hath not granted us to hold our state, or rule our kingdom. He hath done us wrong to hurl us to the fiery depths of hell, and strip us of our heavenly realm. He hath ordained that human kind shall settle there. That is my greatest grief that Adam -- wrought of earth -- should hold my firm-set throne and live in joy, while we endure this bitter woe in hell. (ll. 368-388) "Alas! could I but use my hands and have my freedom for an hour, one winter hour, then with this host I would -- But bands of iron crush me down, the bondage of my chains is heavy. I am stripped of my dominion. Firmly are hell's fetters forged upon me. Above me and below a blaze of fire! Never have I seen a realm more fatal -- flame unassuaged that surges over hell. Ensnaring links and heavy shackles hold me. My ways are trammelled up; my feet are bound; my hands are fastened. Closed are the doors of hell, the way cut off. I may not escape out of my bonds, but mighty gyves of tempered iron, hammered hot, press hard upon me. God hath set His foot upon my neck. So I know the Lord of hosts hath read the purpose of my heart, and knew full well that strife would grow between our host and Adam over the heavenly realm, had I the freedom of my hands.