
在这里你会发现创世纪BK 15诗人凯德蒙

创世纪BK 15

(噢。(872-881)上帝立刻回答他说:“告诉我,我儿,你为什么羞愧地躲到黑暗里去呢?你从前在我面前没有羞耻,只有喜乐。你为何谦卑羞愧,知道忧愁,用树叶遮身,心里愁苦,说你需要衣服,除非你吃了我禁止你吃的那棵树上的果子呢?”(噢。(882-886)亚当又回答说:“主啊!这妇人,这可爱的婢女,把果子递给我,我就拿去得罪你。现在我清楚地带着这个记号,知道了更多的悲伤。”(噢。(887-895)然后全能的上帝问夏娃:“我的女儿,我丰富的祝福,新创造的乐园和生长的美好事物,对你有什么好处呢?你竟渴望地伸手到树上摘下长在树枝上的苹果,吃了得罪我的致命的果子,把它给了亚当,而我的话是禁止你们俩这样做的?” (ll. 895-902) And the lovely woman, put to shame, made answer: "The serpent, the deadly snake, with fair words tempted me, and eagerly enticed me to that deed of sin and evil appetite, until I basely did the deed and wrought the wrong, despoiled the tree within the wood, as was not right, and ate the fruit." (ll. 903-905) Then our Saviour, the Almighty Lord, decreed unto the serpent, the guilty snake, an endless wandering, and said: (ll. 906-917) "All thy life upon thy belly shalt thou go to and fro upon the fields of the broad earth, accursed, so long as life and spirit dwell within thee. Dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life for the grievous evil thou hast wrought. The woman shall loathe and hate thee under heaven. Her foot shall crush thy head, and thou shalt bruise her heel anew. There shall be strife between your seed for ever, while the world standeth under heaven. Now thou knowest clearly, thou foul tempter, what thy life shall be."