

  • 时间1818 - 1895
  • 的地方
  • 国家英格兰


[n]前伊丽莎白·里德和诺福克少校约翰·汉弗莱斯的第三个孩子,威克洛四世伯爵的土地代理人,后来是阿伯康二世侯爵的土地代理人;她很小就开始写诗;在宗教方面受到奇切斯特学院院长胡克博士的影响,后来又受到编辑《儿童之歌》的约翰·基布尔的影响;她的贡献。抒情诗和叙事诗以及在都柏林大学杂志上的法语翻译。(上);她的《摩西的葬礼》(Burial of Moses)发表在《都柏林大学杂志》(Dublin University Magazine)上(1856年),丁尼生承认这是为数不多的几首他希望自己能写出的在世作家的诗;住在威克洛郡的巴利肯时,她与哈丽特·霍华德夫人(Harriet Howard)建立了友谊,两人合作撰写小册子,分别出版,然后合并出版;哈丽特夫人死于肺病;《森林之主和他的诸侯》(1847),儿童寓言; Hymns for Little Children (1848); influenced in religion by the Oxford movement; She met Miss Hook and her brother Dr. Hook, who edited her volume Verses for Holy Seasons, while visiting her sister Anne Humphreys Maguire, in Leamington; She married Rev. William Alexander Oct. 1850, Strabane Church, then recorder of Termonamongan, diocese of Derry; six years older than he, causing great family concern. They lived at Strabane, 1860-67, with trips to France; William appt. bishop of Derry and Raphoe in 1867. She was much involved with Derry Home for Fallen Women and with the development of a district nurses service; indefatigable visitor to poor and sick; seven of her hymns included in Church of Ireland Hymnal (1873), the first to be authorised after Disestablishment, eighteen contained in A Supplement to Hymns Ancient and Modern (1889), nine appearing in Church of Ireland Hymnal (1960, 1987 edns.); wrote elegies for Mrs. Hemans, Robert Southey and Kaiser Wilhelm; d. 12 Oct., Derry; her poems posthumously collected and edited by William Alexander in Poems of the late Mrs Alexander (1896).