


到我的斗篷下面来,我的宝贝!你这挪威的小船长!风也好,雨也好,海也好,都不能使你寒冷,使你害怕。过来,蓝眼睛的小姑娘,偎依在我的臂弯里;尽管电闪雷鸣,我们将安然无恙。黑暗的风帆迅速地从朦胧的地平线向陆地飞去。看,雨云怎样在我们的左右垂下它的穗子!高高的船头斜桅上溅起冰冷的白色浪花,空气中充满了暴风雨和骚动,夏日里充满了烦恼。可是你什么也不怕,亲爱的,暴风雨在心里喃喃自语,虽然狂风把你那亮棕色的头发吹乱,把你那草绿的头发吹乱。我吻着他们宽阔的额头,雷声隆隆; And I hold the curve of they lovely cheek In the hollow of my hand; And I watch the sky and the ocean, And I study they gentle face -- Its lines of sweetness and power, Thy type of they strong Norse race. And I wonder what thy life will be, Thou dear and charming child, Who hast drifted so far across the world To a home so lone and wild. Rude and rough and sad, perhaps; Anxious and full of toil; But I think no sorrow or hardship Thine inner peace can spoil. For better than kingly fortunes Is the wealth that thou dost hold -- A nature perfectly balanced, A beauty of heart untold. Thou wilt open the door of patience, When sorry shall come and knock; But to every evil, unworthy thing Wilt thou the gates fast lock. So shall thy day be blessed, Whatever may be thy lot. But what I am silently pondering Thou understandest not, And liftest to me thy steadfast eyes, Calm as if heaven looked through. Do all the maidens in Norway Have eyes so clear and blue? See, darling, where, in the distance, The cloud breaks up in the sky, And lets a ray of sunshine fall Where our far-off islands lie! White they gleam, and the sea grows bright And silver shines the foam. A little space, and our anchor drops In the haven of Love and Home!