


想象一下,娇小的小妹妹,我亲爱的妹妹,我们去享受我们的快乐是多么甜蜜,你和我?去撒谎,去爱,去死在那片为你量身定做的土地上!在这片土地上,阳光湿润的光芒,透过天空的薄雾,对我有着同样的黑暗魅力,就像你那狡猾的眼睛,以同样的智慧,在你的眼泪中背信倒义地闪耀。一切都井然有序,毫无差错:舒适与美丽,平静与幸福。大量的宝藏吗?华丽的,Time-glossed ?将装饰我们的房间,在那里,最稀有的花朵将把它们馥郁的芬芳,与一缕缕琥珀般的香气混合在一起;东方那些富丽堂皇的装饰品在哪里?深镜,天花板好吗?愿每一种,都用自己甜蜜而秘密的话语,以秘密的口吻,单独对灵魂说话。 There all is order, naught amiss: Comfort and beauty, calm and bliss. See how the ships, asleep? They who would ply the deep!? Line the canals: to satisfy Your merest whim they come From far-flung heathendom And skim the seven seas. ?On high, The sunset's rays enfold In hyacinth and gold, Field and canal; and, with the night, As shadows gently fall, Behold! Life sleeps, and all Lies bathed in warmth and evening light. There all is order, naught amiss: Comfort and beauty, calm and bliss.