


Á君士坦丁伙计们我这模糊而遥远的风景,如此可怕,上面没有凡人?今天早上她的目光又让我激动不已。睡眠充满了奇迹!在那展开的景象中,我一时心血来潮?我以我的艺术而自豪,我在我的画中品味着金属、大理石和水的迷人的单调。那是一座由楼梯和拱廊组成的无限宫殿,到处都是水潭和瀑布,倾泻而下的黄金,或燃烧着,或黯淡无光;那里沉重的瀑布像水晶窗帘一样,耀眼地悬挂在金属墙上。不是树,而是柱廊环绕着沉睡的水池,巨大的水仙像女人一样凝视着自己。在玫瑰和绿色的两岸之间,蓝蓝的海水绵延数百万里,一直延伸到宇宙。这里有闻所未闻的石头和神奇的海浪,还有被眼前的一切弄得眼花缭乱的巨大的抖动的镜子!恒河冷漠而沉默,在苍穹中,把财宝从瓮里倒进钻石的深渊。这个咒语的创造者,我使一片平静的海洋完全随心所欲地膨胀起来,穿过一条镶满珠宝的隧道,一切都显得光润、明亮,甚至在光中也有黑色的、液体的光辉。S结晶射线。 Not a single star, no trace of a sun even, low in the sky, to illuminate this wondrous place that shone with intrinsic fire! And over these shifting wonders hovered (oh dreadful novelty! All for the eye, none for the ear!) the silence of eternity. II Opening eyes filled with flame I saw the horrors of my hovel, and felt the barbs of shameful care, re-entering my soul: brutally with gloomy blows the clock struck mid-day, and the sky poured shadows on a world, benumbed and grey.