


“什么?”他们说,“你有电脑吗?”就好像我把自己卖给了敌人。我不知道这么多人对电脑有偏见。甚至有两位编辑给我写了关于电脑的信。一个人以一种温和而高傲的方式贬低计算机。另一个看起来真的很生气。我知道电脑不能创作一首诗。但打字机也不能。然而,每周还是有一两次我听到:“什么?你有电脑吗?是的,我几乎每天晚上都坐在这里,有时喝啤酒或葡萄酒,有时不喝,我在电脑前工作。 the damn thing even corrects my spelling. and the poems come flying out, better than ever. I have no idea what causes all this computer prejudice. me? I want to go the next step beyond the computer. I'm sure it's there. and when I get it, they'll say, "hey, you hear, Chinaski got a space-biter!" "what?" "yes, it's true!" "I can't believe it!" and I'll also have some beer or some wine or maybe nothing at all and I'll be 85 years old driving it home to you and me and to the little girl who lost her sheep. or her computer.