


当“皮卡迪利雏菊”号载着船员和船长沉入海中时,夜色深沉而朦胧;我想水把他们淹死了;因为他们从来没有,从来没有找到他们,我知道他们没有和我一起上岸。哦!当我发现自己是这片富饶的海岸上唯一的居民时,我感到非常悲伤和孤独;但我在一个岩石嶙峋的小洞穴里开了一个小酒馆,我坐在门口等人。我没有花时间找一个女孩帮我做饭,因为我在做炖菜方面很在行;但我雇了那个星期五的家伙,只是为了保持酒馆的整洁,还有给我的鞋子擦上星期天的指甲油。我有一个小花园,我在里面种猪油,因为我吃的东西又硬又干;因为我以烤蜥蜴、刺梨和鹦鹉胗为食,而且我真的很喜欢甲虫派。 The clothes I had were furry, And it made me fret and worry When I found the moths were eating off the hair; And I had to scrape and sand 'em, And I boiled 'em and I tanned 'em, Till I got the fine morocco suit I wear. I sometimes seek diversion In a family excursion With the few domestic animals you see; And we take along a carrot As refreshment for the parrot, And a little can of jungleberry tea. Then we gather as we travel, Bits of moss and dirty gravel, And we chip off little specimens of stone; And we carry home as prizes Funny bugs, of handy sizes, Just to give the day a scientific tone. If the roads are wet and muddy We remain at home and study,? For the Goat is very clever at a sum,? And the Dog, instead of fighting, Studies ornamental writing, While the Cat is taking lessons on the drum. We retire at eleven, And we rise again at seven; And I wish to call attention, as I close, To the fact that all the scholars Are correct about their collars, And particular in turning out their toes.