


啊,万邦之子,四肢巨人,你现在站在万邦之中,不被人理睬,不被人崇拜,不被人歌颂,脸上没有抹油,——你这卑贱的懒惰,不相信你自己的伟大,要到什么时候呢?狮子的后代一定很强壮,能独自面对世界!你要懒惰多久,才能实现你的命运,抓住你的名声,——在我们骄傲的眼睛看到你获得一个国家的特许,一个国家的名字之前?撒克逊人的力量,凯尔特人的火焰,这些都是你成年的遗产!为什么要和婴儿和奴隶一起休息?寻求更高的种族和年龄的地位。我看到每一阵风都在飘扬着枫叶花环的旗帜;你迅疾的龙骨在世界上划着沟,下面是血红色的褶皱;你敏捷的龙骨劈开最遥远的海洋;你的白帆被异域的风吹动; To stream on each remotest breeze The black smoke of thy pipes exhales. O Falterer, let thy past convince Thy future, -- all the growth, the gain, The fame since Cartier knew thee, since Thy shores beheld Champlain! (Montcalm and Wolfe! Wolfe and Montcalm! Quebec, thy storied citadel Attest in burning song and psalm How here thy heroes fell! O Thou that bor'st the battle's brunt At Queenston and at Lundy's Lane, -- On whose scant ranks but iron front The battle broke in vain! -- Whose was the danger, whose the day, From whose triumphant throats the cheers, At Chrysler's Farm, at Chateauguay, Storming like clarion-bursts our ears? On soft Pacific slopes, -- beside Strange floods that northward rave and fall, -- Where chafes Acadia's chainless tide -- Thy sons await thy call. They wait; but some in exile, some With strangers housed, in stranger lands, -- And some Canadian lips are dumb Beneath Egyptian sands. O mystic Nile! Thy secret yields Before us; thy most ancient dreams Are mixed with far Canadian fields And murmur of Canadian streams. But thou, my country, dream not thou! Wake, and behold how night is done, -- How on thy breast, and o'er thy brow, Bursts the uprising sun!