


(为在教区工业展览会上演唱的音乐而作)看大地,她的复活节,随着她的造物主的升起而升起。种子,在黑暗中沉睡了那么久,终于在冬雪中裂开了。地上的天和地上的天都欢乐;田野和花园向春天欢呼;山林间人声嘈杂,野鸟筑巢歌唱。你,你的造物主把力量赋予了那些不知名的可爱的鸟儿,使用上帝赋予你的技艺;用你自己的理由。在这里,当天地欢腾的时候,每个人都献上复活节的贡品——手指的劳动,歌声的吟唱,像鸟儿在建造和歌唱。Eversley, 1867年。他们漂走了。 Ah, God! they drift for ever. I watch the stream sweep onward to the sea, Like some old battered buoy upon a roaring river, Round whom the tide-waifs hang-then drift to sea. I watch them drift-the old familiar faces, Who fished and rode with me, by stream and wold, Till ghosts, not men, fill old beloved places, And, ah! the land is rank with churchyard mold. I watch them drift-the youthful aspirations, Shores, landmarks, beacons, drift alike. . . . . . I watch them drift-the poets and the statesmen; The very streams run upward from the sea. . . . . . . Yet overhead the boundless arch of heaven Still fades to night, still blazes into day. . . . . . Ah, God! My God! Thou wilt not drift away November 1867.