


你听,万籁之声都在说:“荣耀归于万王之王;愿天下太平,愿上帝与罪人和解!”所有的国家啊,欢欣鼓舞,起来,加入天空的胜利;宇宙自然说:“主基督今天降生了!”基督,以至高的天起誓,基督,永在的主:看他迟来了,童贞女所生的!披着面纱的神,看,欢迎化身的神!耶稣,我们的以马内利来了!万岁,天上的和平之君,万岁,正义的太阳!他给所有人带来光明和生命,他复活了,翅膀有医治的能力。他温柔地把他的荣耀放在一边,生下来使人不再死亡; Born to raise the sons of earth; Born to give them second birth. Come, desire of nations, come, Fix in us thy humble home; Rise, the woman's conquering seed, Bruise in us the serpent's head. Now display thy saving power, Ruin'd nature now restore; Now in mystic union join Thine to ours, and ours to thine. Adam's likeness, Lord, efface, Stamp thy image in its place. Second Adam from above, Reinstate us in thy love. Let us thee, though lost, regain, Thee, the life, the inner man: O, to all thyself impart, Form'd in each believing heart.