


有些人敢于冒更大的痛苦,赢得了狂野的喜悦;如果今晚我能得到你的爱,我愿意明天冒死亡的危险。这场斗争能从你的眼睛里赢得一个亲切的目光吗?这颗枯萎的心会燃烧得多么热烈!欢迎失眠的夜晚,欢迎寒冷的屠杀的白天,我能相信你会为我的遭遇而哭泣吗?告诉我,如果我和流浪的乐队一起远行,你会到那些遥远的地方,在精神上迷失吗?野生的,漫长的,号角吹响远方;请让我去塞克和英国在战争中相遇的地方,在印度的萨特莱吉流上。鲜血染红了萨特莱吉的波浪,我知道;印度河的边界满是坟墓,然而,命令我走吧!虽然列国的浩劫高耸入云,我很高兴能加入这灭亡的大军,只要命令下达。 Passion's strength should nerve my arm, Its ardour stir my life, Till human force to that dread charm Should yield and sink in wild alarm, Like trees to tempest-strife. If, hot from war, I seek thy love, Darest thou turn aside ? Darest thou, then, my fire reprove, By scorn, and maddening pride ? Nomy will shall yet control Thy will, so high and free, And love shall tame that haughty soul Yestenderest love for me. I'll read my triumph in thine eyes, Behold, and prove the change; Then leave, perchance, my noble prize, Once more in arms to range. I'd die when all the foam is up, The bright wine sparkling high; Nor wait till in the exhausted cup Life's dull dregs only lie. Then Love thus crowned with sweet reward, Hope blest with fulness large, I'd mount the saddle, draw the sword, And perish in the charge !