


不要为我敲钟,亲爱的父亲,亲爱的母亲,不要浪费叹息;那是我的姐妹们,那是我的小弟弟,他在一个叫做天堂的地方玩耍,你的孩子们,永远是你的孩子;而我,那么狂野,你的耻辱,那张古怪的棕色脸,从来没有,从来没有,我知道,不过是你的半个孩子!去年夏天,我整天在花园里玩耍,远远地听到一个陌生的新来者发出甜美的“啾啾”声,那是一只鸟最亲爱的、最清晰的叫声。它住在深绿色的山谷里,我的老家,仙女们说鸟儿的话是可以跟随的,所以我离开了一天一夜。有一天晚上,在育婴室的炉火旁,我们紧紧地依偎在一起,静静地坐着,突然,风刮得更高了,窗台上有什么东西在挠,一张瘦削的棕色脸探了进来——我打了个寒颤;没有人在听,也没有人在看;它的手臂挥动着,翅膀抖动着,呜——我就知道它是冲着我来的!有些坏到不能再坏了!他们整夜在雨中跳舞,一圈一圈地跳,像一条滴水的链子,把帽子扔在窗玻璃上,想让我尖叫和叫喊,把床单扔得到处都是:那天晚上我打算呆在床上,如果你留下一盏灯,他们就永远不会把我弄出来! Sometimes I wouldn't speak, you see, Or answer when you spoke to me, Because in the long, still dusks of Spring You can hear the whole world whispering; The shy green grasses making love, The feathers grow on the dear grey dove, The tiny heart of the redstart beat, The patter of the squirrel's feet, The pebbles pushing in the silver streams, The rushes talking in their dreams, The swish-swish of the bat's black wings, The wild-wood bluebell's sweet ting-tings, Humming and hammering at your ear, Everything there is to hear In the heart of hidden things. But not in the midst of the nursery riot, That's why I wanted to be quiet, Couldn't do my sums, or sing, Or settle down to anything. And when, for that, I was sent upstairs I did kneel down to say my prayers; But the King who sits on your high church steeple Has nothing to do with us fairy people! 'Times I pleased you, dear Father, dear Mother, Learned all my lessons and liked to play, And dearly I loved the little pale brother Whom some other bird must have called away. Why did they bring me here to make me Not quite bad and not quite good, Why, unless They're wicked, do They want, in spite, to take me Back to Their wet, wild wood? Now, every nithing I shall see the windows shining, The gold lamp's glow, and the fire's red gleam, While the best of us are twining twigs and the rest of us are whining In the hollow by the stream. Black and chill are Their nights on the wold; And They live so long and They feel no pain: I shall grow up, but never grow old, I shall always, always be very cold, I shall never come back again!