


到石玫瑰,这是一种美丽的植物,它的花在二十四小时内会开花,落两次。花匠们,他们时时刻刻都怀着怜爱的目光注视着一些奇形怪状的球茎,把理想的魅力附加到一朵花上,把自己的荣耀引到它身上;或者,他们在拥挤的房间里,失去了春天温润的阳光和芬芳的空气,他们珍惜弗洛拉最美丽的花朵,但它们是如此罕见;不要感到他所知道的沉思的快乐,他透过晨雾,探索新吹的bowery灌木,一个说教的植物学家。他用五彩缤纷的色彩来记录,有些图案是为了赏心悦目;有些人把美与实用结合在一起,和谐得令人赞叹。红白相间的果芽映在四月色彩的嫩叶中间;传达喜悦的感觉,并承诺秋天的果实;当画眉的家和食物,当开花的荆棘展开时,它欢呼雀跃,从它的黑檀木树干上,Cytisus衔出漂浮的黄金;紫丁香,它的高头显露出一簇簇明亮的紫红色,还有精灵玫瑰做成的雪花球,似乎是独一无二的美丽:你也是这样;当晨光重新出现在东山的上空,你的蓓蕾虽然害怕露珠,仍然戴着翠绿的面纱。 But in the next more genial hour Thy tender rose-shaped cups unfold, And soon appears the perfect flower, With ruby spots and threads of gold. That short and fleeting hour gone by, And even the slightest breath of air, Scarce heard among thy leaves to sigh, Or little bird that flutters there; Shakes off thy petals thin and frail, And soon, like half-congealing snow, The sport of every wandering gale, They strew the humid turf below. Yet tho' thy gauzy bells fall fast, Long ere appears the evening crescent; Another bloom succeeds the last, As lovely and as evanescent. Not so the poet's favourite Rose, She blooms beyond a second day, And even some later beauty shews Some charm still lingering in decay. Thus those, who thro' life's path have pass'd, A path how seldom strewn with flowers ! May have met Friendships formed to last Beyond the noonday's golden hours. While quickly formed, dissolv'd as soon, Some warm attachments I have known Just flourish for an hour at noon, But leave no trace when overblown. Minds that form these, with ardent zeal Their new connexions fondly cherish, And for a moment keenly feel Affection, doomed as soon to perish; Incapable of Friendship long, Awake to every new impression, Old friends, becoming ci-devant ! Are still replaced by a Succession.