


我一个人住——我一个人住,一个人住,当我的河满流到大海,被闪光的船镀金,却没有给我带来朋友;啊,爱情的歌声,从一百个人的喉咙里汩汩流出,啊,爱情的痛苦,让我去吧。满载黄金、石头和香料驶向大海的船只美丽地坠落了:苗条、闪闪发光的少女们扬起醇厚的音调,向爱情许诺,恳求——啊!甜蜜,但转瞬即逝——在颤抖的雪白的帆下。嘘!风在飘扬,失败了——嘘!他们会躺在沙滩上,看我的沙滩,我独自居住的地方;他们的歌声在我的土地上回响——他们听不见我的呻吟。最近,一只孤独的燕子飞过大海,狂暴的秋风在翻飞,可怜的鸟儿,它会迷路吗?沉入这不和谐的大海,没有仁慈的眼睛看着它死去,无人猜测,无人关心,自由了;终于自由了,短暂的痛苦过去了,在睡眠中,在死亡中,在无梦的睡眠中,锁得紧紧的。我的大道全是橡树,有些被雷击折断,有些树叶和橡子在微风中沙沙作响; Fair fall my fertile trees, That rear their goodly heads, and live at ease. A spider's web blocks all mine avenue; He catches down and foolish painted flies, That spider wary and wise. Each morn it hangs a rainbow strung with dew Betwixt boughs green with sap, So fair, few creatures guess it is a trap: I will not mar the web, Though sad I am to see the small lives ebb. It shakes - my trees shake - for a wind is roused In cavern where it housed: Each white and quivering sail, Of boats among the water leaves Hollows and strains in the full-throated gale: Each maiden sings again - Each languid maiden, whom the calm Had lulled to sleep with rest and spice and balm Miles down my river to the sea They float and wane, Long miles away from me. Perhaps they say: `She grieves, Uplifted, like a beacon, on her tower.? Perhaps they say: `One hour More, and we dance among the golden sheaves.? Perhaps they say: `One hour More, and we stand, Face to face, hand in hand; Make haste, O slack gale, to the looked-for land!? My trees are not in flower, I have no bower, And gusty creaks my tower, And lonesome, very lonesome, is my strand.