


我坐在一棵柳树下,那里有流水在潺潺流淌;幻想接幻想安慰着我,有些是真的,有些是假的。他们把自己的心寄托在一个永远不会实现的希望上,最后就像枯萎的日光花柱,太阳苍白的镜子一样,垂头丧气。他们把自己的意志寄托在一时的心血来潮上,无论顺境还是逆境,他们都是一样的失败,或沉或浮,或命中或错过他们的意志。凡有盛衰的都是虚空,我们为之浪费口舌;只有爱才不会衰退,才不会虚荣,只有爱才能比死亡更长久。一只歌唱的云雀飞向天空,再次盘旋歌唱;他高唱着,像个小点,在天空中几乎看不见,然后他又沉了下去。一秒钟,像阳光下的火花,闪过他的歌声;但从来没有追上那最前面的云雀,无歌地飞回来。 A hovering melody of birds Haunted the air above; They clearly sang contentment without words, And youth and joy and love. O silvery weeping willow tree With all leaves shivering, Have you no purpose but to shadow me Beside this rippled spring? On this first fleeting day of Spring, For Winter is gone by, And every bird on every quivering wing Floats in a sunny sky; On this first Summer-like soft day, While sunshine steeps the air, And every cloud has gat itself away, And birds sing everywhere. Have you no purpose in the world But thus to shadow me With all your tender drooping twigs unfurled, O weeping willow tree? With all your tremulous leaves outspread Betwixt me and the sun, While here I loiter on a mossy bed With half my work undone; My work undone, that should be done At once with all my might; For after the long day and lingering sun Comes the unworking night. This day is lapsing on its way, Is lapsing out of sight; And after all the chances of the day Comes the resourceless night. The weeping willow shook its head And stretched its shadow long; The west grew crimson, the sun smoldered red, The birds forbore a song. Slow wind sighed through the willow leaves, The ripple made a moan, The world drooped murmuring like a thing that grieves; And then I felt alone. I rose to go, and felt the chill, And shivered as I went; Yet shivering wondered, and I wonder still, What more that willow meant; That silvery weeping willow tree With all leaves shivering, Which spent one long day overshadowing me Beside a spring in Spring.