


你要垂头丧气吗?但这些从未疲倦;这一带的风,自由自在地闪耀歌唱,不受拘束,不受赏赐;那么,你曾想和它们在一起,拖着无用的翅膀吗?自怜把你困在湿漉漉的泥沼里,把你的悲哀奏成一曲塞壬的乐曲,引诱你的脚走进那爬虫的沼泽,在那里,怨恨的浑水在溃烂地奔流。她的狡诈是用腐烂的记忆的咆哮,或是用温柔的眼泪来安慰消逝的甜蜜:来吧,诚实的同伴,来抚慰你的病痛吧!让这些错误出现。唉,这只向你吐唾沫,那只向你吐本乡的泥土,而那只却用最似是而非的恶毒诡计?什么!你是否爱过,歌唱过,就像你的内心一样,而只需要微笑?(不要理会那个狡猾的魔鬼,他想用它们来衡量你; so humbled yet thou art not, nor so beggar'd thine accompt: what thou art, that thou hast, and know'st thy debt.) And in thy house of love the venom'd dart was thrust within thy side ? Even so! must then the gather'd ripeness of thy mind and heart be turn'd to flies? that is no way for men. Who said, and rid himself of usual awe, I prize not man, save as his metal rings of god or hero? Hast thou made a law, live by thy law: 'tis carrion hath no wings.