


…甘甜的露珠落在绿叶的酸橙上;黑门幽香的空气:百合花的银铃是甜蜜的,醒着的蜡烛的气味也是甜蜜的,等待着清晨的祈祷。温柔的年轻奶妈,用强烈的爱,对沉睡的纯真微笑;当迷失的人来的时候是甜蜜的:音乐家的热情跳动着是甜蜜的,当他模糊的头脑在寻找甜蜜的时候,最美妙的音乐涌向了巢。你斑鸠的语言,配上你那嘹亮的和弦,在一切爱的旋律中,都显得更加甜美;你感恩的荣耀,因你所赐的每一份恩典而更加甜美,向主呼出。马跑得快,力也大。追赶迅捷的飞禽,使它立刻成为猎物;地上高大的鸵鸟,使它强壮;坚强穿过汹涌的激流,深邃的箭射向他的目标。 Strong is the lion--like a coal His eye-ball--like a bastion's mole His chest against the foes: Strong, the gier-eagle on his sail, Strong against tide, th'enormous whale Emerges as he goes. But stronger still, in earth and air, And in the sea, the man of pray'r; And far beneath the tide; And in the seat to faith assign'd, Where ask is have, where seek is find, Where knock is open wide. Beauteous the fleet before the gale; Beauteous the multitudes in mail, Rank'd arms and crested heads: Beauteous the garden's umbrage mild, Walk, water, meditated wild, And all the bloomy beds. Beauteous the moon full on the lawn; And beauteous, when the veil's withdrawn, The virgin to her spouse: Beauteous the temple deck'd and fill'd, When to the heav'n of heav'ns they build Their heart-directed vows. Beauteous, yea beauteous more than these, The shepherd king upon his knees, For his momentous trust; With wish of infinite conceit, For man, beast, mute, the small and great, And prostrate dust to dust. Precious the bounteous widow's mite; And precious, for extreme delight, The largess from the churl: Precious the ruby's blushing blaze, And alba's blest imperial rays, And pure cerulean pearl. Precious the penitential tear; And precious is the sigh sincere, Acceptable to God: And precious are the winning flow'rs, In gladsome Israel's feast of bow'rs, Bound on the hallow'd sod. More precious that diviner part Of David, ev'n the Lord's own heart, Great, beautiful, and new: In all things where it was intent, In all extremes, in each event, Proof--answ'ring true to true. Glorious the sun in mid career; Glorious th'assembled fires appear; Glorious the comet's train: Glorious the trumpet and alarm; Glorious th'almighty stretch'd-out arm; Glorious th'enraptur'd main: Glorious the northern lights a-stream; Glorious the song, when God's the theme; Glorious the thunder's roar: Glorious hosanna from the den; Glorious the catholic amen; Glorious the martyr's gore: Glorious--more glorious is the crown Of Him that brought salvation down By meekness, call'd thy Son; Thou that stupendous truth believ'd, And now the matchless deed's achiev'd, Determin'd, dar'd, and done.