


中国的皇帝,渴望可以撼动帝国的美丽,在王位上多年寻找,从未找到,直到一个杨家的小孩,甚至还没有长大,在一个内室里长大,没有人认识她,但天赐的恩典和不隐藏的,最终有一天被选中为皇室。只要她转过头来笑一笑,就会有一百种咒语,六宫的粉末和颜料就会消失得无影无踪. ...这是早春。他们在纯净的花池里给她洗澡,水温暖并抚平了她晶莹剔透的皮肤。由于她疲惫不堪,一个侍女扶着她时,皇帝第一次注意到了她,并选她为自己的新娘。在春天的夜晚,她那云一般的头发,她那脸颊上的花瓣,她那移动时的金色涟漪,都被温暖的木槿窗帘遮蔽着;但是春天的夜晚很短,太阳升起得太早,从那时起,皇帝放弃了他早期的听证会,把他所有的时间都浪费在她身上,用宴会和狂欢,他春天的女主人,他夜晚的暴君。他的宫廷里还有其他的贵妇,三千名绝世佳人,但他对这三千名贵妇的宠爱都集中在一个人身上。等她在金房间里穿好衣服时,天已经快黑了。当玉塔里的桌子收拾干净时,她会慢慢地喝着酒闲逛。她的兄弟姐妹都被封了爵位;而且,因为她如此照亮和荣耀了她的氏族,她通过帝国给每一个父亲,每一个母亲带来了幸福,当一个女孩出生而不是男孩. ...高玫瑰丽宫,进入蓝云,和远处的微风带着神奇的音符轻柔的歌曲和慢舞,弦乐和竹乐。 The Emperor's eyes could never gaze on her enough- Till war-drums, booming from Yuyang, shocked the whole earth And broke the tunes of The Rainbow Skirt and the Feathered Coat. The Forbidden City, the nine-tiered palace, loomed in the dust From thousands of horses and chariots headed southwest. The imperial flag opened the way, now moving and now pausing- - But thirty miles from the capital, beyond the western gate, The men of the army stopped, not one of them would stir Till under their horses' hoofs they might trample those moth- eyebrows.... Flowery hairpins fell to the ground, no one picked them up, And a green and white jade hair-tassel and a yellowgold hair- bird. The Emperor could not save her, he could only cover his face. And later when he turned to look, the place of blood and tears Was hidden in a yellow dust blown by a cold wind. ... At the cleft of the Dagger-Tower Trail they crisscrossed through a cloud-line Under Omei Mountain. The last few came. Flags and banners lost their colour in the fading sunlight.... But as waters of Shu are always green and its mountains always blue, So changeless was His Majesty's love and deeper than the days. He stared at the desolate moon from his temporary palace. He heard bell-notes in the evening rain, cutting at his breast. And when heaven and earth resumed their round and the dragon car faced home, The Emperor clung to the spot and would not turn away From the soil along the Mawei slope, under which was buried That memory, that anguish. Where was her jade-white face? Ruler and lords, when eyes would meet, wept upon their coats As they rode, with loose rein, slowly eastward, back to the capital. ...The pools, the gardens, the palace, all were just as before, The Lake Taiye hibiscus, the Weiyang Palace willows; But a petal was like her face and a willow-leaf her eyebrow -- And what could he do but cry whenever he looked at them? ...Peach-trees and plum-trees blossomed, in the winds of spring; Lakka-foliage fell to the ground, after autumn rains; The Western and Southern Palaces were littered with late grasses, And the steps were mounded with red leaves that no one swept away. Her Pear-Garden Players became white-haired And the eunuchs thin-eyebrowed in her Court of PepperTrees; Over the throne flew fire-flies, while he brooded in the twilight. He would lengthen the lamp-wick to its end and still could never sleep. Bell and drum would slowly toll the dragging nighthours And the River of Stars grow sharp in the sky, just before dawn, And the porcelain mandarin-ducks on the roof grow thick with morning frost And his covers of kingfisher-blue feel lonelier and colder With the distance between life and death year after year; And yet no beloved spirit ever visited his dreams. ...At Lingqiong lived a Taoist priest who was a guest of heaven, Able to summon spirits by his concentrated mind. And people were so moved by the Empero