


疲惫的汽车隆隆驶过,呜咽呻吟的汽车,旧牛奶车隆隆驶过,在同样暗淡的星空下。冰冷如石的公寓楼外,黑影开始工作;我悲伤地看着他们蹒跚前行,黎明时分,纽约的黎明。但我会在海岛上,在海岛的中心,那里公鸡在叫,在叫,在叫,母鸡在玫瑰苹果树上咯咯叫,那里老拉车的马在嘶叫,嘶叫,嘶叫,嘶叫,在棕色的银色草地上,拴着的母牛在嘶叫,嘶叫,嘶叫,亲爱的老内德在嘶叫,嘶叫,嘶叫,毛茸茸的山羊奶奶在叫,叫,叫,从她那被践踏的小角落里呼唤着,那片长长的宽阔的草地一直延伸到山间小溪的水,欢快地倾泻在平坦的岩石上!那儿,噢,那儿!在大海的小岛上,黎明时分我会在那里。疲惫的汽车隆隆驶过,疯狂的,懒惰的汽车,同样的牛奶车在垂死的星星下隆隆驶过。一个孤独的报童匆匆走过,哼唱着一首最近的小曲;红色的条纹划过灰色的天空,黎明来到了城市。 But I would be on the island of the sea, In the heart of the island of the sea, Where the cocks are crowing, crowing, crowing, And the hens are cackling in the rose-apple tree, Where the old draft-horse is neighing, neighing, neighing Out on the brown dew-silvered lawn, And the tethered cow is lowing, lowing, lowing, And dear old Ned is braying, braying, braying, And the shaggy Nannie goat is calling, calling, calling, From her little trampled corner of the long wide lea That stretches to the waters of the hill-stream falling Sheer upon the flat rocks joyously! There, oh, there! on the island of the sea, There I would be at dawn.