


七月中一个温暖的晴天,一只懒散的小猪像它的主人一样,伸开四肢躺在猪圈里,一本正经地想:世界上最好的东西就是吃得好、喝得好。最后,为了赶走蚊子和苍蝇,他决定从甜蜜的沉思中站起来;为了使他的皮肤保持舒适、柔软和凉爽,他立刻把他扔到下一个泥泞的池塘里。最后,当他想从浴室中醒来时,一只自负的小公鸡正好出现在他的路上。这是一只可爱的聪明的小公鸡,穿着一身虚荣的衣服,在所有的生物中,他认为自己是最好的。‘嘿的一天!小哼哼,为什么,你要去哪儿呢?你要涂上香水,涂上润肤油,卷上头发?我看到你的尾巴上扭着一条狡黠的尾巴,你一定是在玩什么优雅的游戏;呼啦!我以我的生命担保,我相信你在求爱;那么优美的体态,再加上那温柔的笑脸的妩媚,那么整洁,那么有艺术装饰的人,一定会赢得一颗最倔强的心。 And much joy do I wish you, both you and your wife, For the prospect you have of a nice pleasant life.' 'Well, said, master Dunghill,' cried Pig in a rage, 'You're doubtless, the prettiest beau of the age, With those sweet modest eyes staring out of your head, And those lumps of raw flesh, all so bloody and red. Mighty graceful you look with those beautiful legs, Like a squash or a pumpkin on two wooden pegs. And you've special good reason your own life to vaunt, And the pleasures of others with insult to taunt; Among crackling fools, always clucking or crowing, And looking up this way and that way, so knowing, And strutting and swelling, or stretching a wing, To make you admired by each silly thing; and so full of your own precious self, all the time, That you think common courtesy almost a crime; As if all the world was on the look out To see a young rooster go scratching about.' Hereupon, a debate, like a whirlwind arose, Which seem'd fast approaching to bitings and blows; 'Mid squeaking and grunting, Pig's arguments flowing; And Chick venting fury 'twixt screaming and crowing. At length, to decide the affair, 'twas agreed That to counsellor Owl they should straightway proceed; While each, in his conscience, no motive could show, But the laudable wish to exult o'er his foe. Other birds, of all feather, their vigils were keeping, While Owl, in his nook, was most learnedly sleeping: For, like a true sage, he preferred the dark night, When engaged in his work, to the sun's blessed light. Each stated his plea, and the owl was required To say whose condition should most be desired. It seem'd to the judge a strange cause to be put on, To tell which was better, a fop or a glutton; Yet, like a good lawyer, he kept a calm face, And proceeded, by rule, to examine the case; With both his round eyes gave a deep-meaning wink, And, extending one talon, he set him to think. In fine, with a face much inclin'd for a joke, And a mock solemn accent, the counsellor spoke -- ''Twixt Rooster and Roaster, this cause to decide, Would afford me, my friends, much profesional pride. Were each on the table serv'd up, and well dress'd, I could easily tell which I fancied the best; But while both here before me, so lively I see, This cause is, in truth, too important for me; Without trouble, however, among human kind, Many dealers in questions like this you may find. Yet, one sober truth, ere we part, I would teach -- That the life you each lead is best fitted for each. 'Tis the joy of a cockerel to strut and look big, And, to wallow in mire, is the bliss of a pig. But, whose life is more pleasant, when viewed in itself, Is a question had better be laid on the sheld, Like many which puzzle deep reasoners' brains, And reward them with nothing but words for their pains. So now, my good clients, I have been long awake, And I pray you, in peace, your departure to take. let each one enjoy, with content, his own pleasure, Nor attempt, by himself, other people to measure.' Thus ended the strife, as does many a fight; Each thought his foe wrong, and his own notions right. Pig turn'd, with a grunt, to his mire anew, And He-biddy, laughing, cried -- cock-a-doodle-doo.