


有一天,朱庇特心里说:“我要用粘土给自己做一个情妇!这九层的声音,虽是小而甜美的东西,但对我的欲望来说,太像上帝了:我的快乐还不完全。爱情之风是神秘的,上天却难以提供。现在,上帝要到哪里去寻找奥秘呢?那么,让我以我永远无法理解的东西来结束我的工作吧!于是,那深不可测的需要,地狱的嘲弄,天堂的怜悯,就这样下达了命令。朱庇特倾尽了他所有的财富,却把他那古怪的宫廷抛在脑后,而朱诺的心思也差不多一样,他到卑贱的小地上去寻找那艘无比柔弱的船(他一心要把无限的荣耀加在她身上),在一个忧郁的小树林里,发现一个美丽、愚蠢、沉思的少女在叹息着他命中注定的爱情,她是世间万物中最微不足道的东西,所有的孩子和野兽都害怕她,但唯独不害怕他,万王之王。可怜的孩子,他恭恭敬敬地举起她的手,向她致以亲切而隆重的问候。他说话时,请他指点一下她的愿望,她只稍稍等了一分钟,就口齿不清地说:“陛下,我想结婚。”但是,当他微笑着问:“给谁??”她脸红了,说,她几乎不知道。 Then Jove named Shepherds, Lords, and Kings To her free choice; for all such things Were his and his to give; but these She shook her curls at. `Hard to please Is my small Cousin, but my nod Shall call from heaven some splendid God?? `Ah, Maker mine, no God will do That's not as great a God as you!? Thereat Jove laugh'd: `As least of things Alone can sate the King of Kings, So the least thing, it seems, that I Alone of Gods can satisfy!? And, fading in her flushing arms, He blazed for ever from her charms. Thenceforth the maiden sang and shone, Admired by all and woo'd by none, For, though she said she was a sinner, 'Twas clear to all that Jove was in her, And, but for that deep pagan night, She would have been a Carmelite.