


啊,夜啊,夜啊,庄严的夜,当大地与她那寂静的地带结合在一起,灿烂的天空仿佛一座宽阔的神庙,星辰部落跪在神的宝座前;啊,夜啊,夜啊,精灵的夜啊,当华丽的白昼结束了,无数梦幻精灵的船,组成一支明亮的舰队,从沉睡的海岸驶来!啊,夜为我而来,当微风的猎犬在空中追逐,欢快而自由;当月亮高悬在带露珠的天空,空气像新娘的拥抱一样甜蜜!啊,夜,夜,迷人的夜!从泉边,在桃金娘的树荫下,所有唤醒小夜曲的音符都轻柔地在沉睡的空气中蠕动;明亮的眼睛在格子状的藤蔓间闪耀,雪白的手臂垂在雕花的窗台上,下面的骑士们说话,像山间小溪的潺潺细语。爱在他们的眼睛里,爱在他们的叹息里,爱在每一个百合花明亮的胸中;用如此清晰的语言,以免倾听的耳朵和等待的心失去它们。啊,宁静的夜,当学生梦见一群人跪在一位贤者的墓前; And the mother's eyes o'er the cradle rain Tears for her baby's fading bloom; O the peaceful Night, when stilled and o'er Is the charger's tramp on the battle plain, And the bugle's sound and the sabre's flash, While the moon looks sad over heaps of slain; And tears bespeak On the iron cheek Of the sentinel lonely pacing, Thoughts which roll Through his fearless soul, Day's sterner mood replacing. O the sacred Night, when memory comes With an aspect mild and sweet to me, But her tones are sad as a ballad air In childhood heard on a nurse's knee; And round her throng fair forms long fled, With brows of snow and hair of gold, And eyes with the light of summer skies, And lips that speak of the days of old. Wide is your flight, O spirits of Night, By strath, and stream, and grove, But most in the gloom Of the Poet's room Ye choose, fair ones, to rove.