


但艺术家让裸体模特坐在桌子上,把她的腿分开。女孩几乎没有反抗,只是用手捂住脸。阿莫诺娃和斯特拉科娃说,首先应该把这个女孩带到浴室,在她两腿之间清洗,因为任何这种气味都是令人反感的。女孩想跳起来,但艺术家阻止了她,让她不要在意,就像他把她放在那里一样坐在那里。女孩不知道自己该做什么,又坐了下来。艺术家和他的女同事们各自坐下,开始给裸体模特画素描。佩特洛娃说,裸体模特是一个非常诱人的女人,但斯特拉科霍娃和阿莫诺娃说,她是相当丰满和不雅。佐洛托格罗莫夫说,这就是使她迷人的原因,但是斯特拉科娃说,这只是令人厌恶,一点也不迷人。斯特拉霍娃说,哎哟!她的血都流到桌布上了。 What is there seductive about that, when I can sniff the smell off her from here. Petrova said that this only showed her feminine strength. Abel'far blushed and agreed. Amonova said she had seen nothing like it, that you get to the highest point of arousal and it still wouldn't secrete like this girl did. Petrova said that, faced with that, one could get aroused oneself and that Zolotogromov must already be aroused. Zolotogromov agreed that the girl was having quite an effect on him. Abel'far sat there red in the face and she was breathing heavily. -- However, the air in this room is becoming unbearable -- said Strakhova. Abel'far fidgeted on her chair and then leapt up and went out of the room. -- There -- said Petrova -- you see the result of female seductiveness. It even acts on the ladies. Abel'far has gone off to put herself to rights. I can feel that I will soon have to do the same thing. -- That -- said Amonova -- only shows the advantage we thin women possess. Everything with us is always as it should be. But both you and Abel'far are splendiferous ladies and you have to keep yourselves very much in check. -- Yet -- said Zolotogromov -- splendiferousness and a certain lack of bodily hygiene are what is to be particularly valued in a woman.