


六个人去打猎,但只有四个人回来了。事实上,有两个人还没有回来。奥克诺夫、科兹洛夫、斯特留奇科夫和莫季尔科夫安全回家,但希罗科夫和卡布卢科夫在追捕中丧生。OKNOV一整天都闷闷不乐地走来走去,甚至不和任何人说话。科兹洛夫固执地跟在奥克诺夫后面,用各种各样的问题纠缠着他,使奥克诺夫非常恼火。科兹洛夫:你想抽支烟吗?OKNOV:不!科兹洛夫:你要我把那边的东西拿给你吗?OKNOV:不!科兹洛夫:也许你想让我给你讲一个有趣的故事? OKNOV: No! KOZLOV: Well, do you want a drink? I've got some tea and cognac here. OKNOV: Not content with just having smashed you over the skull with this stone, I'll rip your leg off as well. STRYUCHKOV AND MOTYLKOV: What are you doing? What are you doing? KOZLOV: Pick me up from the ground. MOTYLKOV: Don't you get excited now, that wound will heal. KOZLOV: And where's Oknov? OKNOV (Ripping off Kozlov's leg): I'm right here. KOZLOV: Oh, my gosh golly! STRYUCHKOV AND MOTYLKOV: Seems he's ripped the leg off him as well! OKNOV: Ripped it off and thrown it over there! STRYUCHKOV: That's atrocious! OKNOV: Wha-at? STRYUCHKOV: ...ocious... OKNOV: What's that? STRYUCHKOV: N-n... n-n... nothing. KOZLOV: How am I going to get home? MOTYLKOV: Don't worry, we'll fix a wooden leg on you! STRYUCHKOV: What are you like at standing on one leg? KOZLOV: I can do it, but I'm no great shakes at it. STRYUCHKOV: That's all right, we'll support you. OKNOV: Let me get at him. STRYUCHKOV: Hey, no. You'd better go away! OKNOV: No, let me through! ... Let me!... Let... That's what I wanted to do. STRYUCHKOV AND MOTYLKOV: How horrible! OKNOV: Ha, ha, ha. MOTYLKOV: But where is Kozlov? STRYUCHKOV: He's crawled off into the bushes! MOTYLKOV: Kozlov, are you there? KOZLOV: Glug-glug! MOTYLKOV: Now look what's become of him! STRYUCHKOV: What's to be done with him? MOTYLKOV: Well, we can't do a thing with him, now. In my view, we'd better just strangle him. Kozlov! Hey, Kozlov! Can you hear me? KOZLOV: O-oh, yes, but only just barely. MOTYLKOV: Don't you upset yourself mate, we're just going to strangle you. Wait a minute, now! . . . There, there, there we are. STRYUCHKOV: Here we are, and again! That's the way, yes! Come on, a bit more . . . Now, that's that! MOTYLKOV: That's that, then! OKNOV: Lord have mercy on him!