


年轻的爱情沉睡在五月的时节,在百合花中,沐浴在柔光中;白色的羊羔来吃草,白鸽来筑巢;在他的四周,五月的灌木丛是白色的。枕头上有柔软的青苔,因为你的脸颊更柔软;广阔的树叶在沉重的眼睛上投下阴影:风和水在那里平静下来,几乎不说话;那里的暮色在天空中逗留的时间最长。年轻的爱是梦;但谁能把梦说出来呢?完美的阳光照在沙沙作响的森林顶端;或是荡漾溪水上的月光;或是完全的沉默,或是珍爱双唇的歌声。燃烧他周围的气味来填满昏昏欲睡的空气; Weave silent dances Around him to and fro; For oh, in waking The sights are no so fair, And song and silence Are not like these below. Young Love lies dreaming Till summer days are gone, - Dreaming and drowsing Away to perfect sleep: He sees the beauty Sun hath not looked upon, And tastes the fountain Unutterably deep. Him perfect music Doth hush unto his rest, And through the pauses The perfect silence calms: Oh, poor the voices Of earth from east to west, And poor earth's stillness Between her stately palms. Young Love lies drowsing Away to poppied death; Cool shadows deepen Across the sleeping face: So fails the summer With warm delicious breath; And what hath autumn To give us in its place? Draw close the curtains Of branched evergreen; Change cannot touch them With fading fingers sere: Here first the violets Perhaps with bud unseen, And a dove, may be, Return to nestle here.