


摇摇晃晃的树木不停地向前移动,松散的道路闪烁着困惑的光芒;一丛丛明亮的植物,单叶顶衬着白色的天空;和电线吗?一个恒定的链条?那些似乎把云也拉了过去的东西(人们在光线下弯腰透过低矮的窗户看到的东西;或如急流般凶猛);隔着栅栏或桥远远望去,树木在移动时保持着一根一根的间隔;有时,在一段很长的绿色平地上,有一头母牛,在它的同伴中吃草,抬起它缓慢的脖子,凝视着声音。我们一共有六个人:我在写作;亨特读着大仲马的诗,他嘴唇硬朗,双颊沉重,眉毛低垂,长长的发梢耷拉着。 A grazier at one end (Thank luck not my end!) has blocked out the air, And sits in heavy consciousness of guilt. The poor young muff who's face to face with me Is pitiful in loose collar and black tie, His latchet-button shaking as we go. There are flowers by me, half upon my knees, Owned by a dame who's fair in soul, no doubt: The wind that beats among us carries off Their scent, but still I have them for my eye. Fields mown in ridges; and close garden-crops Of the earth's increase; and a constant sky Still with clear trees that let you see the wind; And snatches of the engine-smoke, by fits Tossed to the wind against the landscape, where Rooks stooping heave their wings upon the day. Brick walls we pass between, passed so at once That for the suddenness I cannot know Or what, or where begun, or where at end. Sometimes a Station in grey quiet; whence, With a short gathered champing of pent sound, We are let out upon the air again. Now nearly darkness; knees and arms and sides Feel the least touch, and close about the face A wind of noise that is along like God. Pauses of water soon, at intervals, That has the sky in it;?the reflexes O' the trees move towards the bank as we go by, Leaving the water's surface plain. I now Lie back and close my eyes a space; for they Smart from the open forwardness of thought Fronting the wind?? ??I did not scribble more, Be certain, after this; but yawned, and read, And nearly dozed a little, I believe; Till, stretching up against the carriage-back, I was roused altogether, and looked out To where, upon the desolate verge of light, Yearned, pale and vast, the iron-coloured sea.