


她在平安夜睡着了:终于,那长久未被解除的疲劳眼皮的阴影压过了那无法减轻的痛苦。我们的母亲,整天靠在床上,听着钟声,然后第一次站起来,她坐下来,祈祷。她的小工作台上摆满了待完成的工作。因为她的蜡烛发出耀眼的光芒,她只好在离床一段距离的地方工作。外面,一轮冷月升起,冬光清亮而单薄;它所在的空心光环就像一个冰冷的水晶杯。穿过小房间,伴着细微的火苗声,火光被通风口照得通红。在它昏暗的壁龛里,镜子射出了一圈清澈的光。有几个晚上我熬夜了,我疲惫的头脑感到虚弱和空虚;它像烈性的烈酒,喝下了寂静和破碎的灯光。 Twelve struck. That sound, by dwindling years Heard in each hour, crept off; and then The ruffled silence spread again, Like water that a pebble stirs. Our mother rose from where she sat: Her needles, as she laid them down, Met lightly, and her silken gown Settled: no other noise than that. "Glory unto the Newly Born!" So, as said angels, she did say; Because we were in Christmas Day, Though it would still be long till morn. Just then in the room over us There was a pushing back of chairs, As some who had sat unawares So late, now heard the hour, and rose. With anxious softly-stepping haste Our mother went where Margaret lay, Fearing the sounds o'erhead--should they Have broken her long watch'd-for rest! She stoop'd an instant, calm, and turn'd; But suddenly turn'd back again; And all her features seem'd in pain With woe, and her eyes gaz'd and yearn'd. For my part, I but hid my face, And held my breath, and spoke no word: There was none spoken; but I heard The silence for a little space. Our mother bow'd herself and wept: And both my arms fell, and I said, "God knows I knew that she was dead." And there, all white, my sister slept. Then kneeling, upon Christmas morn A little after twelve o'clock We said, ere the first quarter struck, "Christ's blessing on the newly born!"