

  • 时间1885 - 1930
  • 的地方诺丁汉郡
  • 国家英格兰


大卫·赫伯特·劳伦斯,小说家、短篇小说作家、诗人和散文家,1885年出生于英国诺丁汉郡的伊斯特伍德。虽然劳伦斯以小说家的身份更为人所知,但他第一次出版的作品(1909年)是诗歌,他的诗歌,尤其是他对自然世界的唤起,对大西洋两岸的许多诗人产生了重大影响。他的早期诗歌反映了庞德和意象主义运动的影响,意象主义运动在20世纪初达到顶峰。然而,当庞德试图将劳伦斯拉入他的作家追随者圈子时,劳伦斯决定走一条更独立的道路。他相信写诗要质朴、直接、忠实于神秘的内在动力。他的许多脍炙人口的诗歌描写了植物和动物的生理和内心世界;另一些则尖刻地讽刺并表达了他对传统盎格鲁-撒克逊社会的清教主义和虚伪的愤怒。劳伦斯是一位具有激进观点的反叛和深刻的论战作家,他认为性、原始的潜意识和自然可以治愈他所认为的现代工业化社会的罪恶。他的作品非常多产,但质量参差不齐,他是争议的持续来源,经常涉及广泛宣传的审查案件,最著名的是他的小说《查泰莱夫人的情人》(1928)。他的诗集包括《看! We Have Come Through (1917), a collection of poems about his wife; Birds, Beasts, and Flowers (1923); and Pansies (1929), which was banned on publication in England. Besides his troubles with the censors, Lawrence was persecuted as well during World War I, for the supposed pro-German sympathies of his wife, Frieda. As a consequence, the Lawrences left England and traveled restlessly to Italy, Germany, Ceylon, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, the French Riviera, Mexico and the United States, unsuccessfully searching for a new homeland. In Taos, New Mexico, he became the center of a group of female admirers who considered themselves his disciples, and whose quarrels for his attention became a literary legend. A lifelong sufferer from tuberculosis, Lawrence died in 1930 in France, at the age of 44.