


娇嫩的袋鼠妈妈像兔子一样坐在那里,但体型巨大,胖乎乎的,抬起她美丽细长的脸,哦!比兔子或野兔的脸温柔得多,纹路细腻得多。她抬起脸来,啃着她心爱的白色薄荷圆糖,敏感的袋鼠妈妈。她那敏感、修长、纯种的脸。她那双丰满的对跖眼睛,那么黑,那么大,那么安静,那么遥远,在寂静的澳大利亚,她已经看过那么多空寂的黎明。她那双松松垮垮的小手和维多利亚式的耷拉着的肩膀。然后是她巨大的体重在腰部以下,她巨大的苍白的肚子,有一个细长的年轻的黄色的小爪子伸出来,和一个细长的耳朵,像缎带一样,像一个有趣的修剪到她的肚子中间,一个不成熟的爪子,一个细的小摆动,和一个细的耳朵。她的肚子,她的大屁股,此外,她的尾巴肌肉发达,像蟒蛇一样伸展。那里,她不能再吃薄荷糖了。于是她若有所思地、敏感地嗅了嗅空气,然后转过身来,用她那双又长又平的腿,在那条钢铁般坚韧的蛇尾巴的操纵和推动下,缓慢而悲伤地跳跃起来。又停了下来,半转身,好奇地回头看。 While something stirs quickly in her belly, and a lean little face comes out, as from a window, Peaked and a bit dismayed, Only to disappear again quickly away from the sight of the world, to snuggle down in the warmth, Leaving the trail of a different paw hanging out. Still she watches with eternal, cocked wistfulness! How full her eyes are, like the full, fathomless, shining eyes of an Australian black-boy Who has been lost so many centuries on the margins of existence! She watches with insatiable wistfulness. Untold centuries of watching for something to come, For a new signal from life, in that silent lost land of the South. Where nothing bites but insects and snakes and the sun, small life. Where no bull roared, no cow ever lowed, no stag cried, no leopard screeched, no lion coughed, no dog barked, But all was silent save for parrots occasionally, in the haunted blue bush. Wistfully watching, with wonderful liquid eyes. And all her weight, all her blood, dropping sackwise down towards the earth's centre, And the live little-one taking in its paw at the door of her belly.