


清晨的西风和初升的太阳,摇曳的棉花和玉米,飞扬在公路的管道上;它使我想起了逝去的日子,当它第一次在我耳边响起时,风是我家乡的声音,我想起了它唱的歌,当我从书桌和账本上走出来,横渡漫长的海洋——“旧的世界已经过去,新的世界已经自由了。”古老的宽阔、荒凉的牧场正在凋谢和消逝,平原上到处都是来定居的人的家——我又在车站里感叹过去的美好时光;但是新的美好日子更美好——我不愿让别人听到我的抱怨;只有风含泪向我哭喊着那些和我一起漂洋过海的低低的死人。他们有的躺在城市的大理石下,有的躺在光秃秃的山坡上,在孤独的树荫下,有的躺在西方的森林深处,在黑暗的松帘遮住了天空的蓝色。许多人从我的视线中消失,我永远也不知道他们到哪里去了,被急流冲走了,或被山间的雪裹住了;所有和我一起漂洋过海的老手都走了,但我们共同创造的土地对我来说依然是一片光明的土地。金灿灿的科怀里蕴藏着梦想,当菩提树开满花的时候,我能听到在蕨类植物笼罩的幽暗深处那丰富的低语。旧日的记忆也许会给我带来她五月鲜花盛开之地的珍宝,但对我来说,山上的雏菊更可爱,河床上的金雀花更灰暗; While the mists on the high hilltops curling, the dawn-haunted haze of the sea, To my fancy are bridal veils lifting from the face of the land of the free. The speargrass and cabbage trees yonder, the honey-belled flax in its bloom, The dark of the bush on the sidings, the snow-crested mountains that loom Golden and grey in the sunlight, far up in the cloud-fringed blue, Are the threads with old memory weaving and the line of my life running through; And the wind of the morning calling has ever a song for me Of hope for the land of the dawning in the golden years to be.