


月明,风静,河水怒吼;猎户座带着他的腰带灯在西边的天空低低地摆动;南北从山峡到银色平原的中心在哪里?许多人的眼睛直到东方再次明亮才会入眠;;在吗?今夜,从中心到大海,将有许多人在辛勤劳作;和我吗?I’我离我以前认识的那些人很远了?我的爱人离我很远。在大洪水漩涡的地方,挖泥船停泊在白色的沙滩上,拉紧的缆绳在银光的浪花中抽打着小溪;呻吟着的水桶承载着他们的货物,引擎跳动着,洗出来的水在不知道白天黑夜的转动的屏幕上倾泻成红色;对吗?s many an ounce of gold to save, from the gorge to the shining sea? And there?s many a league of the bare brown hills between my love and me. Where the lines of gorse are parched and dry, and the sheaves are small and thin, The engine beats and the combine sings to the drays that are leading in, For they?re thrashing out of the stook to-night, and the plain is as bright as day, And the fork-tines flash as the sheaves are turned on the frame of the one-horse dray; For many a hand will toil to-night, from the mountains down to the sea;? But I?m far from the lips of the girl I love, and the heart that beats for me. The trappers are out on the hills to-night, and the sickly lantern-shine Is mocking the gleam of the silver moon in the scrub on the long trap-line; The tallies are big on the rock-strewn spur, and the rattling clink of the chain Comes weirdly mixed from the moon-bright hill with the whistling shriek of pain; For many a hand will toil to-night where the tussocks are waving free;? But it?s over the hills and over the plain to the heart that beats for me. The stars are bright, and the night is still, and the river is singing by, And many a face is upward turned to gaze at the moon?s bright eye. North and south, from the forest deeps to the heart of the silver plain, There?s many an eye will see no sleep till the east grows bright again; There?s many a hand will toil to-night by shining land and sea. O moonlight, bear my message of love to the heart that beats for me.