


二十八个赤身裸体的年轻女子在湖岸或森林湖畔沐浴二十八个女孩,她们都很漂亮值得马克·森内特的相机和弗洛伦兹·齐格菲尔德的《愚蠢的傻瓜》。他们在青春和美丽的奇妙的无意识中溅水和游泳,在意识之鱼的完全自发和夏日里,被水的柔软和丝绸所增强,加强和软化,被赤裸的身体所点燃的能量所准备好,带电,神化,否认。一个三十岁的年轻人远远地看着他们。他生活在千万美元的地牢里。他富足、俊美、空虚、站在细麻布幔子后面观看。他认为哪个女孩最令人向往,最美丽?从黄金的距离来看,它们都同样美丽和令人向往。因为如果贫穷使辨别力变暗,使洞察力变得过于鲜明,那么财富的黄金也是一种盲目。因为不是有一个法国人说过:“虽然这是美国……”他所说的并不完全相关,一个裸体女人是上帝存在的证明。 Where is he going? Is he going to be among them to splash and to laugh with them? They did not see him although he saw them and was there among them. He saw them as he would not have seen them had they been conscious Of him or conscious of men in complete depravation: This is his enchantment and impoverishment As he possesses them in gaze only. . . .He felt the wood secrecy, he knew the June softness The warmth surrounding him crackled Held in by the mansard roof mansion He glimpsed the shadowy light on last year's brittle leaves fallen, Looked over and overlooked, glimpsed by the fall of death, Winter's mourning and the May's renewal.