


红玫瑰的头发像毛皮一样棕色,在火光下闪闪发光,她正在为熊准备晚餐,有蜂蜜、苹果、凝乳和乳清,并把它放在炉边。露丝·怀特灰色的眼睛凝视着黑暗的森林。红玫瑰的脸颊火辣辣的,表明她的热情,快乐和同情的心。罗丝·怀特脸色苍白,听到熊的爪子在门闩上,她转过身去。当他进来的时候,他的皮毛上有霜,他走近火焰,发出火星。玫瑰红捕捉到了森林、蘑菇和松香的气味。红玫瑰和白玫瑰一起为熊歌唱;这是一首摇篮之歌,一首织布机之歌,一首关于婚姻的歌,一首关于很久以前到山里朝圣的歌。熊用胳膊肘撑着身子,躺在壁炉上,边点头边哼哼;不久,他叹了口气,低下了头。 He sleeps; the Roses bank the fire. Sunk in the clouds of their feather bed they prepare to dream. Rose Red in a cave that smells of honey dreams she is combing the fur of her cubs with a golden comb. Rose White is lying awake. Rose White shall marry the bear's brother. Shall he too when the time is ripe, step from the bear's hide? Is that other, her bridegroom, here in the room?