


在这里,高大的柏树遮蔽着灰泥墙,铜色而深邃,菊花在那里怒放,玫瑰——血与雪——他在那里沉睡。佛罗伦萨梦想远方;突袭和战争的记忆,仍在低语;Certosa为橄榄山披上了冰雪和金色的冷云。他现在又拿什么来换取那些从雪松山上发出甜美而深沉的梦的溪流呢?只有亚诺河的水流,浑浊、疲倦、缓慢,带着愤怒和泪水。在激流闪烁的地方,船夫欢快悠长的歌,他现在有什么可唱?只有辛勤劳作的声音,农民们在土地上榨取油和酒。灵魂在南方与拉萨尔和德卢斯,和瓦姆桑雷一起,——他只有休息,在他的柏树窝里,带着记忆。钢与火的心,当死亡紧跟着你——你所有的激情行为,都积满了铁锈和荒草,你为什么还爱着,渴望着? God that hardened the steel, Bid the flame leap and reel, Gave us unrest; We act in the dusk afar, In a star beyond your star, His behest. 'We leave you dreams and names Still we are iron and flames, Biting and bright; Into some virgin world, Champions, we are hurled, Of venture and fight.' Here where the shadows fall, From the cypress by the wall, Where the roses are-- Here is a dream and a name, There, like a rose of flame, Rises--a star.