


这就是土地!它展开了一幅欢乐的景象,像一面盾牌在银色的海洋之间弯曲,它反射回太阳的傲慢;然而,充满了卑微的美丽,仍然是其泰坦尼克和热情洋溢的心脏的一部分。这片土地上有冰川,孤独的山脉,在那里什么也没有,除了巨大的Æonian变化,缓慢的冰碛,雪崩的翅膀,夏天和太阳,——最基本的东西,敬畏的脉冲,——冬天,夜晚和闪电。这片土地上的松树支撑着暗淡的光柱,准备在午夜时分出现最早的星星。这片土地上有河流、小溪和小溪,源源不断地流向大海,在磨坊里发出白色的雷声,永远把一种财富转化为另一种财富;用动态的纺锤旋转闪电,直到某个遥远的城市被火种点燃。那是一片水果的土地,霜冻的芬芳;那是牛群的土地,那是一群胸脯丰满的主人的土地,那是一群心灵快乐的人的土地,他们凝视着时光,把露珠埋在草和花里。,啊!千百万的奇迹,谷粒爬满山巅,遍布平原;千百万的奇迹,花、奶和谷粒,在日火和霜火的滋养下生长,直到农民把它拿在手里;千百万的奇迹,土地。 And yet with all these pastoral and heroic graces, Our simplest flowers wear the loveliest faces; The sparrows are our most enraptured singers, And round their songs the fondest memory lingers; Our forests tower and tremble, star-enchanted, Their roots are by the timid spirits haunted Of hermit thrushes,--trancèd is the air, Ever in doubt when they shall sing or where; The mountains may with ice and avalanche wrestle, Far down their rugged steeps dimple and nestle The still, translucent, turquoise-hearted tarns. * * * * * And Thou, O Power, that 'stablishest the Nation, Give wisdom in the midst of our elation; Who are so free that we forget we are-- That freedom brings the deepest obligation: Grant us this presage for a guiding star, To lead the van of Peace, not with a craven spirit, But with the consciousness that we inherit What built the Empire out of blood and fire, And can smite, too, in passion and with ire. Purge us of Pride, who are so quick in vaunting Thy gift, this land, that is in nothing wanting; Give Mind to match the glory of the gift, Give great Ideals to bridge the sordid rift Between our heritage and our use of it. Then in some day of terror for the world, When all the flags of the Furies are unfurled, When Truth and Justice, wildered and unknit, Shall turn for help to this young, radiant land, We shall be quick to see and understand: What shall we answer in that stricken hour? Shall the deep thought be pregnant then with power? Shall the few words spring swift and grave and clear? Use well the present moment. They shall hear.