


十一月的天空,薄云灰蒙蒙,随风飘散;阳光滚滚而来,在浅浅的光潮中,大地是金色的,水面是白色的,树林里朦胧而温暖;然后它就消失了,暗淡的阴影遮住了田野、荒地和林间空地。英汉传5:8劳碌得平安,在美好的地上广享。收获是赢得的;过去的是泪水和欢乐;我们在稀薄的空气中感到,静默之物的优雅是多么远,超越了思想和祈祷,她永远为世界工作,既不害怕,也不索取报酬,劳动结束后,休息。我们烦躁不安的生活的骚动,带着它的黑暗和斗争,它的忧虑和恐惧的负担,它的荣耀难以捉摸和奇怪,重新回到我们的灵魂;整个疲惫不堪的重负压着它,直到我们呼喊:我们行为的果实在哪里?为什么我们要在平原上奋力建造塔楼来抵御死亡? All things possess their lives Save man, whose task and desire Transcend his power and his will. The question is over and still; Nothing replies: but the earth Takes on a lovelier hue From a cloud that neighbored the sun, That the sun burned down and through, Till it glowed like a seraph's wing; The fields that were gray and dun Are warm in the flowing light; Fair in the west the night Strikes in with vibrant star. Something has stirred afar In the shadow that winter flings; A message comes up to the soul From the soul of inanimate things: A message that widens and grows Till it touches the deeds of man, Till we see in the torturous throes Some dawning glimmer of plan; Till we feel in the deepening night The hand of the angel Content, That stranger of calmness and light, With his brow over us bent, Who moves with his eyes on the earth, Whose robe of lambent green, A tissue of herb and its sheen, Tells the mother who gave him birth. The message plays through his power, Till it flames exultant in thought, As the quince-tree triumphs in flower. The fruit that is checked and marred Goes under the sod: The good lives here in the world; It persists,-- it is God.