


从隐蔽的高地,那里的山是阳光的茶色像纯净的蜂蜜,在八月的炎热,回忆漂浮在未被邀请,那里的灌木丛丛中有成熟的浆果芳香和甜的乳草。双花与无花的藤蔓交叉在一起,斑驳的苔藓就像神圣的祈祷席;在脆弱的忧郁中,苍白的鬼花盘旋着,仿佛在守护和掩盖一个神龛的影子。在红雀徘徊的地方,苍白的水搜寻着,闪亮的桦树的根从湖中吸取银色;荡漾的涟漪,液体般的手指,拨动着一层层的根,仙女般的琵琶琴师奏出悠扬的音乐。啊,躺在这里沉思,那里的松树柱升起,黑暗而庄严,到空气的巢穴,在那里,白天躲了,夜躺在梦里,像一个深沉的女巫隐藏在她的头发。幽灵般的气味聚集在朦胧的消逝中,然后消散,颤抖,直到消失;花期的精灵,蜜蜂在那里搜寻和停留,直到七月前的日子里,所有的花朵都结了婚。光已经失去了它的光彩,光的精炼和筛选,清凉的光和梦漂流,甚至冒险,(渗出温柔的银光)在幽暗的幽深,在她的发梢中颤抖,隐藏着少女的头发。黄褐色的画眉被羞怯的光线覆盖着,填满了寂静,它们在呼唤着它们的窝,把这首歌藏到黄昏,这首歌为多情的六月的正午作了前奏和间奏曲。 The joy that I am feeling Is there something in it Unlike the warble the linnet Phrases and intones? Or is a like thought stealing With a rapture fine, free Through the happy pine tree Ripening her cones? In some high existence In another planet Where their poets cannot Know our birds and flowers, Does the same persistence Give the dreams they issue Something like the tissue Of these dreams of ours? O to lie athinking-- Moods and whims! I fancy Only necromancy Could the web unroll, Only somehow linking Beauties that meet and mingle In this quiet dingle With the beauty of the whole.