


在铁匠铺里,它开始了:让我们为男人做点东西吧!听着风箱的轰鸣和咆哮,在屋顶和地板上溅起了光;从它们的巢里,羽毛般的火花像金色的小云雀一样飞了出来;听着每一个伪造者嘲弄的叫喊,说,说,说,说?告诉我们我们做了什么,我的主人!听那男高音的敲击声,响个不停,响个不停;听那高音的铁锤在歌唱,叮叮叮,叮叮叮;听着造假者嘲弄的叫喊,说,说,说,说!不管猜对还是猜错,你必须一辈子戴着它!当它成长的时候,它是如何发光的,叮叮叮,变成了什么?王冠不是吗?听他们笑得半死,摇着屋顶和椽子上的烟灰;告诉? ?告诉告诉? Ding-a-ring, ding-a-ring, See them round the royal thing, See it fade to ruby rose, As it glows and grows, Guess, they shout, for worse or better: Not a crown! Is't a fetter? Hear them shout demonic mirth: Here's a guesser something worth; Make it solid, round, and fine, Fashioned on a cunning plan, For the riddle-reader Man; Ho?ho?ho?ho! Hear the bellows heave and blow: Heat dries up their tears of mirth; Let the marvel come to birth, Though his guess be right or wrong He must wear it?all life long! Sullen flakes of golden fire Fawn about the dimming choir, They're a dusky pack of thieves Shaking rubies from their sleeves, Hear them wield their vaunting yell, Tell?tell?tell?tell! Forging faster?taunting faster? Guess, my master?Guess, my master! Grows the enigmatic thing! Ruddy joyance?Deep disaster? Ding-a-ring, ding-a-ring, Ding-a-ring-a-derry-down! Is't a fetter?Is't a crown?