


给舅母的一封信,讨论现代诗歌的正确方法给你,我的舅母,你将探索文学的Chankley Bore,道路是艰难的,因为你不是一个文学的Hottentot,而只是一个善良和有教养的女人,不知道艾略特(令她羞愧)。呸,姨妈,你怎么会在大卫·G身上发现天才,在T.S.E.和埃兹拉·庞德身上发现原始的形相和声音。滚开,阿姨!我将向你展示如何提升你的中眉,以及如何从现代主义的帕纳斯高地攀登和欣赏风景。首先买一顶帽子,不是巴黎的那种,而是瑞士人在唱yodel时戴的那种,一顶带有一两根羽毛的圆顶帽,可以遮住视线;然后穿着凉鞋走在街上(所有现代画家都用脚在画布上作画,他们的妻子或母亲,除了臀部)。也许你最好创造一些全新的东西,用厄斯语写的下流小说或者用威尔士诗倒写的,或者在背心背面画的画,或者在麻风病人胸前写的梵文赞美诗。但如果这被证明是不可能的,也许还不如这样,因为那样你就可以随心所欲地写了,现代诗歌写得很轻松。不要忘记,在这个混乱的时代,'limpet'和'strumpet'押韵,逗号是最严重的罪行;很少有人懂卡明斯的作品,很少有人懂詹姆斯·乔伊斯的精神低谷,很少有人懂年轻的奥登的暗语; But then it is the few that matter. Never be lucid, never state, If you would be regarded great, The simplest thought or sentiment, (For thought, we know, is decadent); Never omit such vital words As belly, genitals and -----, For these are things that play a part (And what a part) in all good art. Remember this: each rose is wormy, And every lovely woman's germy; Remember this: that love depends On how the Gallic letter bends; Remember, too, that life is hell And even heaven has a smell Of putrefying angels who Make deadly whoopee in the blue. These things remembered, what can stop A poet going to the top? A final word: before you start The convulsions of your art, Remove your brains, take out your heart; Minus these curses, you can be A genius like David G. Take courage, aunt, and send your stuff To Geoffrey Grigson with my luff, And may I yet live to admire How well your poems light the fire.