


仿古罗马的风格!岁月埋葬了多少世纪的荣华富贵,留给时间崇高的思想宝库!终于——终于——经过这么多天的疲惫的朝圣和强烈的渴望(渴望你心中爱的泉源),我跪在你的阴影中,一个改变了的谦卑的人,在我的灵魂里喝下你的庄严、忧郁和荣耀!浩瀚!和年龄!和《Eld的回忆!》安静!和荒凉!朦胧的夜!我现在感觉到了你们——我感觉到了你们的力量——哦,咒语比在客西马尼园受教的犹太国王更可靠! O charms more potent than the rapt Chaldee Ever drew down from out the quiet stars! Here, where a hero fell, a column falls! Here, where the mimic eagle glared in gold, A midnight vigil holds the swarthy bat! Here, where the dames of Rome their gilded hair Waved to the wind, now wave the reed and thistle! Here, where on golden throne the monarch lolled, Glides, spectre-like, unto his marble home, Lit by the wan light of the horned moon, The swift and silent lizard of the stones! But stay! these walls- these ivy-clad arcades- These moldering plinths- these sad and blackened shafts- These vague entablatures- this crumbling frieze- These shattered cornices- this wreck- this ruin- These stones- alas! these grey stones- are they all- All of the famed, and the colossal left By the corrosive Hours to Fate and me? "Not all"- the Echoes answer me- "not all! Prophetic sounds and loud, arise forever From us, and from all Ruin, unto the wise, As melody from Memnon to the Sun. We rule the hearts of mightiest men- we rule With a despotic sway all giant minds. We are not impotent- we pallid stones. Not all our power is gone- not all our fame- Not all the magic of our high renown- Not all the wonder that encircles us- Not all the mysteries that in us lie- Not all the memories that hang upon And cling around about us as a garment, Clothing us in a robe of more than glory."