


他们的天空灰蒙蒙的,阴沉的;叶子又脆又干枯——叶子又枯萎又干枯;那是我最遥远的一年,一个寂寞的十月的夜晚;在朦胧的奥伯湖边,在雾蒙蒙的韦尔中部,它在阴暗的奥伯湖边,在韦尔阴森森的森林里。有一次,在泰坦尼克号的柏树小巷里,我和我的灵魂漫步——柏树,和我的灵魂普赛克。曾经有那么几天,我的心像火山一样,就像斯科利亚克河滚滚而来,就像熔岩不停地翻滚,它们的含硫水流沿着亚纳克倾泻而下在极地的极端气候中,它们呻吟着滚下亚纳克山在北极的国度里。我们的谈话是严肃而严肃的,但我们的思想却是麻木而严肃的——我们的记忆是不可靠而严肃的——因为我们不知道月份是十月,我们没有注意到一年中的夜晚——(啊,一年中的夜晚!)我们没有注意到昏暗的奥伯湖(虽然我们曾经到过这里),没有想起奥伯湖的阴冷,也没有想起韦尔的鬼影丛生的树林。现在,夜色渐暗,星盘指向黎明——星盘暗示着黎明——在我们的路的尽头,一种液体般的朦胧的光辉诞生了,从那光辉中升起了一枚奇迹般的新月,带着一模一样的角——阿斯达尔特的宝石般的新月,带着一模一样的角。我说——”她比月亮温暖:她通过一个醚叹了口气,她狂欢的地区叹息:她已经看到这些脸颊上的眼泪没有干,蠕虫永不死,和已经过去的明星狮子,我们点的路径的天空-忘河的和平的天空,尽管狮子,跟她照我们明亮的眼睛——通过狮子的巢穴,与爱在她明亮的眼睛。” But Psyche, uplifting her finger, Said- "Sadly this star I mistrust- Her pallor I strangely mistrust:- Oh, hasten!- oh, let us not linger! Oh, fly!- let us fly!- for we must." In terror she spoke, letting sink her Wings until they trailed in the dust- In agony sobbed, letting sink her Plumes till they trailed in the dust- Till they sorrowfully trailed in the dust. I replied- "This is nothing but dreaming: Let us on by this tremulous light! Let us bathe in this crystalline light! Its Sybilic splendor is beaming With Hope and in Beauty to-night:- See!- it flickers up the sky through the night! Ah, we safely may trust to its gleaming, And be sure it will lead us aright- We safely may trust to a gleaming That cannot but guide us aright, Since it flickers up to Heaven through the night." Thus I pacified Psyche and kissed her, And tempted her out of her gloom- And conquered her scruples and gloom; And we passed to the end of the vista, But were stopped by the door of a tomb- By the door of a legended tomb; And I said- "What is written, sweet sister, On the door of this legended tomb?" She replied- "Ulalume- Ulalume- 'Tis the vault of thy lost Ulalume!" Then my heart it grew ashen and sober As the leaves that were crisped and sere- As the leaves that were withering and sere- And I cried- "It was surely October On this very night of last year That I journeyed- I journeyed down here- That I brought a dread burden down here- On this night of all nights in the year, Ah, what demon has tempted me here? Well I know, now, this dim lake of Auber- This misty mid region of Weir- Well I know, now, this dank tarn of Auber, This ghoul-haunted woodland of Weir."