


光荣的时间的女儿!你那温柔的蓝眼睛——你那童贞的额头——苍白的,没有皱纹的泪水——你那强壮的白手,手指浸染了在远古时代使你的祖先们复活的鲜血,离开野兽的道路吧。你要回到山上去,离开死亡的沙漠,那里有燃烧的干渴,喉咙里有火焰,是为了血,是为了杀人的卑鄙欲望,那里有叛逆的人所诅咒的奸诈的沙子,荒原上堆满了愚蠢和仇恨的骨头。返回!在那里,阳光照亮了绿色的地方,在那里,星星出现了,它们是信仰和命运的使者,永恒的风从看不见的一天吹来。你!你与已燃尽的光阴有何相干?那片古老的塞尔维亚沼泽——那片民族灭亡的沼泽?在那里,人们听到了死者的哀号,听到了被屠杀的罗马人和匈奴人的哀号,一个受了伤的幽灵的手中闪烁着磷光,梦想着从百万盾牌中瞥见的战斗的辉煌,当C - 3 / 4的人为了贪财和渴望权力而掠夺;哥特兰的巨人在绵延的田野上溃烂发臭,生者的众神被诅咒了,他们太弱了,无法揭示他们胜利的时刻,而其他人则在可怕的失败中挣扎,在你恩典的日子里,啊,对你的祖先和时间的美丽和虚伪,啊,国王的陷阱已经包围了你的脚,你的歌唱长袍沾满了古埃及的泥土。 But thou hast harkened to guile, to the cunning words of shame, To the tempter with pieces of gold and the praise of the drunken throng. Scornfully push from their hands the crown of a common fame, Not made for thy peaceful brows, for thou wert not born for wrong. Thou art the fruit of the groaning cycles of hope and love, Told of by maddened prophets who never beheld thy face, Who drew from the teeming earth and the fetterless sky above, That man was made to be free, and to stamp under foot the mace. How should thy innocent eyes ever leer with a reddened look? Or thy hair be scented save of the measureless sea? Or thy feet know the ways of deceit, wrote out in the murderous book, By monarchs who shrank from the scourging and doom of thy strength and thee? Beloved of time and of fate, cherished of justice and truth, Yet thou art free to do, to choose the ill and to die; To squander thy beauty for hire, to waste thy eternal youth -- For thou art eternal, if thou heedst them not, but pass by, Pass and return to the mountains of freedom and peace, Where heavenward flame the fires, where the torches may be relumed, To girdle the world with the light that was kindled in olden Greece; Or that the sparks may be scattered wherever injustice has doomed, Darkness to be the portion of those who famish for light. Be thou the great rock's shadow cast in a weary land, Be thou a star of guidance true in a wintry night, Be thou thyself, and thyself alone, as heaven hath planned.