


伟大共和国的旗帜,自由人的旗帜!在许多血淋淋的峡谷中,为了自由被高举;在陆地和海洋的战场上被暴君的枪林弹雨撕裂,在福吉谷,我们先辈的希望在凝聚。但它除了象征着更高的法律之外,还能是什么呢?鲜血染红,战争之星点缀。他是独一的大能之旗,为万民所敬畏,为远方野蛮人的首领所咒诅。在这个不太美好的日子里,我们对英国的亏欠不多,但对纳斯比的田野,伦尼米德的精神,我们亏欠甚多;勇敢冒险的盎格鲁人,当自由在她需要的时候大声疾呼时,他们从不退缩。在真理的圆顶上,在兄弟之爱的城市里,这是对仇恨的世界的标志,这是基督在这个国家里的标志,和平的象征,就像橄榄叶和信使鸽子一样,飘扬着我们祖先的旗帜——这是正义辩论的标志!但他们敢于在硝烟弥漫的战场上举起旗帜,战场上回荡着被杀者的呻吟,就像莱克星顿的倒下; Where the eagles have traveled afar from the vultures of war which croak O'er the bodies of those who died for the prize that it should have won? Flag of a noble race, no longer our flag in truth, Borne by a hostile hand in a cause of shame, Give us the banner that flapped in the eyes of the nation's youth And sent a thrill through the world of its faultless flame! Yet, if its soul shall perish, take it for what it was -- For the shroud of those who worship the dead ideal; Dead to lie with the dead beneath the recurrent grass, No longer to grieve for the lost and no more to feel.