


看那紧握的手!它们是告别或问候的手,是我帮助过的手还是帮助过我的手?像埃拉伽巴卢斯那样,把拇指倒着雕刻成一只手会不会很好?那边有条断了的链子,也许是最薄弱的一环——但那是什么?还有羔羊,有的躺着,有的站着,好像在听牧羊人说话——有的背着十字架,一只脚抬着——为什么不凿几块废墟呢?倒下的柱子!请雕刻底座,或地基;让我们看看堕落的原因。还有圆规和数学仪器,讽刺下层房客对行列式和变分法的无知。还有锚,给那些从未航行过的人。 And gates ajar -- yes, so they were; You left them open and stray goats entered your garden. And an eye watching like one of the Arimaspi -- So did you -- with one eye. And angels blowing trumpets -- you are heralded -- It is your horn and your angel and your family's estimate. It is all very well, but for myself I know I stirred certain vibrations in Spoon River Which are my true epitaph, more lasting than stone.