


你为什么跑得这么快,跑来跑去追蚊子或蝴蝶?你们有些人正庄严地站着抓虫子;你们中有些人在等着玉米撒出来。这就是生活,不是吗?Cock-a-doodle-do !很好,托马斯·罗兹,毫无疑问,你是领头的。但埃利奥特·霍金斯来了,格拉克,格拉克,格拉克,吸引了政治追随者。Quah !quah !quah ! why so poetical, Minerva, This gray morning? Kittie -- quah -- quah! for shame, Lucius Atherton, The raucous squawk you evoked from the throat Of Aner Clute will be taken up later By Mrs. Benjamin Pantier as a cry Of votes for women: Ka dook -- dook! What inspiration has come to you, Margaret Fuller Slack? And why does your gooseberry eye Flit so liquidly, Tennessee Claflin Shope? Are you trying to fathom the esotericism of an egg? Your voice is very metallic this morning, Hortense Robbins -- Almost like a guinea hen's! Quah! That was a guttural sigh, Isaiah Beethoven; Did you see the shadow of the hawk, Or did you step upon the drumsticks Which the cook threw out this morning? Be chivalric, heroic, or aspiring, Metaphysical, religious, or rebellious, You shall never get out of the barnyard Except by way of over the fence Mixed with potato peelings and such into the trough!