


已故的斯彭河奖得主乔纳森·斯威夫特·萨默斯先生曾计划将《斯彭河》写成一部由24卷组成的史诗,但不幸的是,他甚至没能完成第一本书。这个碎片是由威廉·马里恩·里迪在他的论文中发现的,并首次发表在1914年12月18日的《里迪镜报》上。)的约翰·卡巴尼斯'wrath和敌对方的冲突,和他可怕的失败领导百姓自由事业的勺子河,罗兹'bank秋天,给许多人带来了数不清的灾难和损失,产生恨,迸发出无政府主义者手中的火炬燃烧的法院,发黑的残骸更公平的寺庙上升和进步站——唱歌,缪斯女神,点燃了中国的脸,微笑,看到了像蚂蚁希腊人和特洛伊Scamander爬行,越过城墙,被人追逐,或者被人追逐,越过火葬堆,越过神圣的坟墓,首先是因为海伦,她和帕里斯作为灵魂伴侣逃到了特洛伊;还有珀琉斯之子的愤怒,下令失去克丽丝,她是战争中可爱的战利品,也是最亲爱的妃子。先说,你是黑夜之子,叫莫摩斯,你的眼睛里藏不住秘密,塔利亚,你的眼睛里笑着,是什么使托马斯·罗德斯和约翰·卡巴尼斯之间发生了致命的冲突?他的女儿弗洛西,她,和一群游手游脚的人一起,从流浪回来,走在村里的街道上,她的手镯叮当作响,戒指闪闪发光,她的眼睛里闪烁着狡黠的微笑。接着,既统治教会又统治银行的托马斯·罗德斯,表明了他对那位姑娘的不满;整个斯彭河的人都在窃窃私语,整个教堂的人都对她皱眉头,直到她知道他们害怕她,谴责她。但为了嘲弄他们,她让小提琴和笛子跳舞,它们是从皮奥里亚带来的,还有许多年轻人,但最近,通过热心的牧师和真诚的灵魂的祈祷,它们重新焕发了活力,欢快地跳舞,在舞蹈中寻找她,她穿着一件低领的衣服,迷离的眼睛可以向下眺望雪原,直到它消失在白色中。 With the dance The village changed to merriment from gloom. The milliner, Mrs. Williams, could not fill Her orders for new hats, and every seamstress Plied busy needles making gowns; old trunks And chests were opened for their store of laces And rings and trinkets were brought out of hiding And all the youths fastidious grew of dress; Notes passed, and many a fair one's door at eve Knew a bouquet, and strolling lovers thronged About the hills that overlooked the river. Then, since the mercy seats more empty showed, One of God's chosen lifted up his voice: "The woman of Babylon is among us; rise, Ye sons of light, and drive the wanton forth!" So John Cabanis left the church and left The hosts of law and order with his eyes By anger cleared, and him the liberal cause Acclaimed as nominee to the mayoralty To vanquish A. D. Blood. But as the war Waged bitterly for votes and rumors flew About the bank, and of the heavy loans Which Rhodes'son had made to prop his loss In wheat, and many drew their coin and left The bank of Rhodes more hollow, with the talk Among the liberals of another bank Soon to be chartered, lo, the bubble burst 'Mid cries and curses; but the liberals laughed And in the hall of Nicholas Bindle held Wise converse and inspiriting debate. High on a stage that overlooked the chairs Where dozens sat, and where a pop-eyed daub Of Shakespeare, very like the hired man Of Christian Dallmann, brow and pointed beard, Upon a drab proscenium outward stared, Sat Harmon Whitney, to that eminence, By merit raised in ribaldry and guile, And to the assembled rebels thus he spake: "Whether to lie supine and let a clique Cold-blooded, scheming, hungry, singing psalms, Devour our substance, wreck our banks and drain Our little hoards for hazards on the price Of wheat or pork, or yet to cower beneath The shadow of a spire upreared to curb A breed of lackeys and to serve the bank Coadjutor in greed, that is the question. Shall we have music and the jocund dance, Or tolling bells? Or shall young romance roam These hills about the river, flowering now To April's tears, or shall they sit at home, Or play croquet where Thomas Rhodes may see, I ask you? If the blood of youth runs o'er And riots 'gainst this regimen of gloom, Shall we submit to have these youths and maids Branded as libertines and wantons?" Ere His words were done a woman's voice called "No!" Then rose a sound of moving chairs, as when The numerous swine o'er-run the replenished troughs; And every head was turned, as when a flock Of geese back-turning to the hunter's tread Rise up with flapping wings; then rang the hall Wit