

  • 时间1552 - 1599年
  • 的地方伦敦
  • 国家英格兰


埃德蒙是约翰·斯宾塞的长子,约翰·斯宾塞是兰开斯特郡出身的绅士,后来成为商人泰勒公司的一名熟练工。斯宾塞就读于最近成立的商人泰勒学校(Merchant Taylors' School),然后去了剑桥的彭布罗克学院(Pembroke Hall)。还在大学的时候,他就以彼特拉克和杜·贝雷的风格写了一些诗,这些诗发表在范德诺特的《世界剧场》中。离开剑桥后,斯宾塞成为罗切斯特主教约翰·杨的秘书。1579年,他在莱斯特伯爵家中谋得一职,并与伯爵的侄子菲利普·西德尼成为朋友。他在这个时候写了《牧羊人日历》。第二年,他开始创作《仙后》,但直到1589年,他才将前三本书委托给他的伦敦出版商庞森比(Ponsonby)出版。大约在这个时候,他还娶了他的第一任妻子Machabyas Chylde。1580年,斯宾塞被任命为威尔顿的格雷勋爵的秘书,并陪同他前往爱尔兰。斯宾塞于1591年回到爱尔兰定居,并在这一年写了《科林·克劳茨》。 He became a landowner and returned to London only to supervise the publication of his poetry. He married again to Elizabeth Boyle in 1594 and his poems Amoretti and Epithalamion celebrate the wooing and marriage. During a local insurrection in 1598, Spenser's home Kilcoman Castle was burnt and Spenser had to flee to Cork along with his wife and children. It is feared that some of his work was lost during this fire. Spenser died in London, in some distress.