


在这里,战火纷飞,死神横过,陷阱重重,德国的小弗里茨在你的午餐里扔什么炸弹,对一个家伙来说,不全是荣耀,不全是咖啡,不全是咖啡,不全是在烟雾中挥舞旗帜,也不全是练习击剑?我们也有我们的小麻烦!这是扳机·里布,他看到了“红色”和“凯恩”,因为他在洞穴里,他的头,一个“滚牙”疯了。波瑞触发了战壕的上下跳动就像一笔有泡沫的贷款,每次她给一个扳手你没见过那个乞丐畏缩,你没听过他吹箫。阴郁的炮弹刺瞎了我们的眼睛,对我们的感觉像罪恶一样冷酷,而现在和那时,我们可能会发现一颗令人眩晕的炸弹蹒跚而行。但《Trigger》只是让它自生自灭。他几乎没有请求原谅。这不关他的事。他把一条围巾缠在他的鼻子上,他说的是“可怕”。以免我们听到“公鸡叫”的奥立·安斯试着玩他的把戏。 His bullets all around the coop Is peckin' like a million chicks. But Trigger when they barks his snout Don't sniff at it. He won't confess They're on the earth?ignores the clout, 'N' makes the same old sung about His brimmin' mug of bitterness. They raided us there in the mud One day afore the dead sun rose. Me oath, the mess of stuff and blood Would give a slaughterman the joes! And when the scrap is past and done, Where's Trigger Ribb? The noble youth Has got his bay'net in a Hun, While down his cheeks the salt tears run. Sez he to me ?Gorbli'?this tooth!? A shell hoist Trigger in a tree. We found him motherin' his jor. ?If this ache's goin' on,? sez he, ?So 'elp me, it'll spoil the war!? Five collared Trigger on his perch, They wired his molar to a bough, Then give the anguished one a lurch, 'N' down he pitches. From that birch His riddled tooth is hangin' now. This afternoon it's merry 'ell; Grenades is comin' by the peck; A big gun times us true 'n well, And, oh! we gets it in the neck. They lick out flames hat reach a mile, The drip of lead will never cease. But Trigger's pottin' all the while; He sports a fond 'n' foolish smile- ?Thank Gord,? he sez, ?a bit of peace!?